Saturday, July 11, 2015


Always know the difference between what you are Getting, and what you Deserve as a person. Be Strong enough to let go, and wait for what you deserve, the wait will be worthwhile. Don't never ever settle for less than what you truly Deserve point blank.

Thursday, July 9, 2015


Even if it all Falls Apart, Don't You think GOD can put it all back Together again? In ways that you can never imagine. Always have Faith in him because, alone Him can release you from all of your worldly Problem's.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015


"The truth is, belonging starts with SELF- acceptance, your levels of belonging, in fact, can never be greater than your level of self-acceptance. Because believing that you're enough is what gives you the courage to be authentic, different, vulnerable, and imperfect. How Beautiful is that to just absolutely be YOURSELF"

Tuesday, July 7, 2015


Be careful who you pretend to be, because you might just forget who you are as a person, Always remember the Original is way better than the Copy.

Sunday, October 19, 2014


"It's not the most strongest of the species that survives, Nor the most intelligent that survives, It's the one most adaptable to change"
          -Charles Darwin-


There Is Something Beautiful, And Revitalizing About The Month Of October. When The Leaves Start
Changing Colors, The Leaves Falling Off The Tree's, The World Is Surrendering, Letting Go Of The Pieces, and Parts That No longer Serve In A Positive Way. Tree's Hold On Strong To Their Core & Survive The Storms, But Every Good Tree Knows That As Time Goes By, The Leaves Will Come Back & We All Get To Start Again 🍁🍁🍁 #coldweatherishere #loveitwhentheleaveschangecolors #youseegodswonders #onetresswithdifferentcolors #Ilovenature #treelover #Mysoulpurpose

Saturday, October 4, 2014


Ebola is killing people in our beloved Mama Africa. We all need to work togethrt as one, and fight this deadly disease. Ebola is spreading fast, this is everyone business. We can't keep ignoring this issue, while our people dying of this deadly disease.  Let's help out by donating anything/anyway we can. As the saying goes" a little drop of water makes a mighty ocean" together we stand strong. Let's kick Ebola out of Africa RIGHTNOW.  Yesterday, I attended an Ebola funraiser event. It was wonderful to see my people Africans working together.
It's was amazing to watch.