Sunday, October 19, 2014


"It's not the most strongest of the species that survives, Nor the most intelligent that survives, It's the one most adaptable to change"
          -Charles Darwin-


There Is Something Beautiful, And Revitalizing About The Month Of October. When The Leaves Start
Changing Colors, The Leaves Falling Off The Tree's, The World Is Surrendering, Letting Go Of The Pieces, and Parts That No longer Serve In A Positive Way. Tree's Hold On Strong To Their Core & Survive The Storms, But Every Good Tree Knows That As Time Goes By, The Leaves Will Come Back & We All Get To Start Again 🍁🍁🍁 #coldweatherishere #loveitwhentheleaveschangecolors #youseegodswonders #onetresswithdifferentcolors #Ilovenature #treelover #Mysoulpurpose

Saturday, October 4, 2014


Ebola is killing people in our beloved Mama Africa. We all need to work togethrt as one, and fight this deadly disease. Ebola is spreading fast, this is everyone business. We can't keep ignoring this issue, while our people dying of this deadly disease.  Let's help out by donating anything/anyway we can. As the saying goes" a little drop of water makes a mighty ocean" together we stand strong. Let's kick Ebola out of Africa RIGHTNOW.  Yesterday, I attended an Ebola funraiser event. It was wonderful to see my people Africans working together.
It's was amazing to watch.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014


You are what you eat, your body will react to your intake and, The end results is how healthy you feel and look.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014


Omg!!! I honestly can't even really express how much I truly love love love food, yes I said it,I love food lol. I don't just love food, but also love to cook. Considering am a full-time mother of Two beautiful girls. I'm in the kitchen almost everyday of the week, or even more some week. I cook breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I absolutely love it.  I cook so much, my kids don't care much to eat out , occasionally and some lazy days we will go out. Besides so many great factors in cooking,  it's a great way to save money. It's also brings your family alot closer when you eat, and dine together. I absolutely love and enjoy cooking. Cooking for me is very relaxing, especially if am in the kitchen jamming to my favorite Beres Hammond on Pandora. It automatically activates my happy mood. :) ♡☆☆☆

Monday, September 8, 2014


With time, and experience I have learned that you can not let anyone take controI over your happiness, No one is in charge of your happiness but YouRselF. You can not always count on others to respect your feelings, even if you respect theirs. Being a good person doesn't always guarantee that, others will be good to you. You only have control over yourself, and how you choose to be as a person. As for others, you can only choose to accept them for who they are, or simply just walk away. You'll end up really disappointed, if you think people will always treat you as you treat them. Not everyone has the same heart as you. And oh Smile, not only does it feels good to smile inside and out, but you also DON'T  have all the problems of the world.  So SMILE :)  #SelfLove♡ Smilesalldayeveryday #positive☆ #mindset☆☆ #thankyouGOD #Mysoulpurpose

Sunday, September 7, 2014


Happy Sunday my Beautiful people. Lets Be thankful for God giving us another chance to be our absolute best, by waking us up today to see another Beautiful day. Trust, and believe that all the struggles you are going through today, are developing the strength you need tomorrow. So keep your head up high and know the final destination is beautiful at the Top. #Self-confidence #Bepositiveandthinkpositive #Empowerment #mysoulpurpose

Saturday, September 6, 2014


I'm a very expressive person in the most kind loving way. Always love to share my Ideas, and knowledge. Love, and enjoy learning from other's. So having the opportunity to be able to share my ideas, and knowledge on the air, is a true blessing. I'm very very thankful to have you apart of me God. Thank you. ♡♡♡☆☆☆ #mysoulpurpose

Friday, September 5, 2014


Believe it or not!!! my wonderful people, but your thoughts create your realty. If you are always negative inside and out, nothing good will come your way. Learn to train your mind to always think, and be positive. Always be thankful for what you have. In return God will bless you with plenty more. #positive#mindset#always #Mysoulpurpose


Key ingredient to Happiness is inner peace. In order for you to be able to channel your inner peace. You first have to let go of all Negative, and unhealthy thoughts. Let go of your painful past, instead use them as a step-stones.  Learn how to forgive yourself and other's.  Learn how to value yourself as a person. Set healthy boundaries, boundaries tell people how you want to be treated. Train your eyes to always See good even in the darkness. Let go of the judgemental side of you, and just learn to enjoy life at it is, at it simplest form.  #Mysoulpurpose #simplicity #innerpeace = #Happiness


To start of with, I want to take this time out to personally Thank God for all his blessings, favors and guidance he has bestowed in my life. I'm an inspiring motivational speaker. I love helping others in any shape or form I can, it truly brings happiness in to my life. I have a lot of love to spread in the most compassionate way, and want to shed light where it needed the most, especially in the darkness, shine my light bright for others. The world is in need of love now more than ever before. I'm very passionate about making the world a better place with touching one soul at a time. This blog is a place where you can completely be yourself. The topics ranges from God, Marriage, Single, Children, Love, Education, Career, and so on. This is a place where we can have fun, share our knowledge and ideas with each other. Be comfortable, and most importantly to always be yourself. I'm very thankful for people such as yourself to be kind enough to keep up with, and follow my blog. May the Good Lord guide, and protect you in everything that you do. Hope your day is as beautiful as yourself #Mysoulspurpose #InnocentChildren